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  • Non Newtonian Propulsion

    pnncalmagorod - - News


    Aliena takeoff control details from ALIENA in visual impression of "Kite" written in the spirit of the original name of ".... presumably know why " and then apparently useless and antiquated equipment (Apollo 11 times) and also disgusting and with a useless and almost obscene appearance which with the take-off PNN will be the cornerstone on which the fart propulsion will crash (a real pleasure for the Legatus).... and then a control system for the "STOP AND GO", i.e…

  • In Bergin forum Nasaspaceflight , Chris Bergin deleted the post Cervelli Rumee But Bergin forget that exist screenshots (before erase) Moore Bergin delete suddenly this : for the fact tha PNN is the real novelty in reactionless propulsion. He deleted the world interest for PNN in the same thread “Reactionless drives history” in Bergin aim is to encourage put in orbit all the reaction…

  • Non Newtonian Propulsion

    pnncalmagorod - - News


    In Bergin forum Nasaspaceflight , Chris Bergin deleted the post Cervelli Rumee But Bergin forget that exist screenshots (before erase) Moore Bergin delete suddenly this : for the fact tha PNN is the real novelty in reactionless propulsion. He deleted the world interest for PNN in the same thread “Reactionless drives history” in Bergin aim is to encourage put in orbit all the reaction…

  • Read the first pages of in which Bergin of NSF is NasaSpaceFlight has been disgraced in his multiple censures of Non-Newtonian Propulsion! And everything will also end up on the PNN e-commerce site

  • Last Attaks against PNN Idiots like Chris Bergin and anonymous people like "CoolScience" (was “meberbs” ) and "edzieba" of the comic NSF site of "What metaphysics for the future of fart astronautics" are a danger to the West . In Bergin forum deleted the post Cervelli Rumee But Bergin forget that exist screenshots Moore Bergin delete suddenly this : for the fact tha PNN is the real novelty in reactionle…

  • Updates March 2024 from Recently at the beginning of 2024 the PNN reappeared in the Spaceflight forum due to a flaw in the censorship of Chris Bergin and his snack buddies....Bergin seeing that PNN had hundreds of links in just a few hoursreading was censored again in that forum where all the reactionless propulsion systems that don't work are ad hoc advertised.Just read what others writeIn fact Bergin encourage people to carry real scams as can be read in [b…

  • Non Newtonian Propulsion

    pnncalmagorod - - News


    The moon colonization scam with rockets is mainly conducted by NASA and Chris Bergin of Spaceflight. Scam because they haven't succeeded for over half a century. And then they have the comical idea of calling their roaring bins starshipsChris Bergin and the Spaceflight forum censor everything they do opposed to the failed and comic rocketry

  • Dei Krusty ce ne servirebbero 8 per la PNN su Marte Kilopower (o KRUSTY, Kilopower Reactor Using Stirling Technology) è un progetto sperimentale volto a produrre un nuovo concetto per i reattori nucleari usati nell'esplorazione spaziale[1]. Il progetto è iniziato nell'ottobre del 2015, sotto la guida della NASA e del NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration) del dipartimento per l'energia. I reattori Kilopower saranno disponibili in 4 taglie in grado di produrre da 1 a 10 kilowatt di poten…

  • Chris Bergin fixed the censorship lock against PNN on February 12, 2024 :-)That is, the censorship cage in which he put PNN on NasaSpaceflightBergin's entire policy is for rocket astronautics. When he shows interest in reactionless people, he only does so if they are reactionless failures (generally the comical quantized failures). That is NOT PNN. PNN has been systematically boycotting and censoring for years.Cautiously, when he noticed that one of my posts "Non Newtonian Propulsion" propulsion…

  • PNN News IVO as many others reactionless barney devices seems to me that was created and is pumped by the media precisely to obscure the PNN the real revolution to stop the comic rocketry Our prototype F432BA really a reactionless drive instead works (see our lab tests) The principle seems to obscure PNN to avoid rocket market to be destroyed from PNN ( from The scam against PNN... an example…

  • From Nova Astronautica n.178 in Circumnavigare Marte Quanto alla PNN attuale potremmo PURE decollare verso Marte con un certo set di dipoli a V. Ovviamente se qualcuno ci da i necessari $$$$, un kilopower da 100 Kw e 200 ingegneri come schiavi (ben pagati si intende) … ……… In omaggio al principio molesto e politicamente scorretto che se dici la verità dovresti in anticipo prepararti un cavallo o fare l’ipocrita sistematicamente ….. ricordo che SONO STATI “ANCHE” GLI SCHIAVI…

  • New update in with 24 dipoles such this + a 100kw kilopower .... to Mars and return in less than 10 days quo fata ferunt

  • Violation of the principle of action and reaction Do you really want to colonize Mars? Do it with PNN! See our last experiments PNN experiments on several scales With all FURTHER demonstrations Experimental ones you want…261&set=a.110120617396912…1&set=pcb.874370864305213 i

  • Violation of the principle of action and reaction Do you really want to colonize Mars? Do it with PNN! See our last experiments PNN experiments on several scales With all FURTHER demonstrations Experimental ones you want…261&set=a.110120617396912…1&set=pcb.874370864305213 i

  • Let's reiterate why Newtonian propulsion will never colonize anything more than half a century ago the Nazi scientists hired by NASA understood that with the mega trumpet (FANTASTIC!) Saturn 5 on the moon you can live for about 3 days and then you have to escape to avoid dying..... because oops... oops.. You are missing 99.9999% of the mass you need to NOT CRAP. They tried again with only the intermediate Space Shuttle (for the purposes of a possible transport of the missing mass to survive on t…

  • Smascherare le esilaranti truffe mediatiche sulle trombette Cambiamento di ciò che i media scrivono ai fini della verità in Astronautica Da Nel complesso, non sono state fornite nuove informazioni sulla parte preponderante del progetto, che riguarda i viaggi verso la Luna e in seguito la colonizzazione di Marte da tempo auspicata da Musk. La mancanza di dettagli ha ricevuto diverse critiche, specialmente per quanto riguarda le future mi…

  • Supposte al cielo ops ops ... il brodo again viene allungato in dosi omeopatiche ma state fiduciosi gonzi ... bene o male con starpippa non colonizzerete un ecatzo change or die e la NASA è in coma profondo…-unaffordable/ar-AA1grYsB

  • Musk will soon follow close in bankruptcy of rocket propulsion Senior NASA officials say the agency's Space Launch System — the massive rocket designed to propel its ambitious Artemis program to establish a moon base — is "inaccessible," according to a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.…oon-rocket-scn/index.html Change or die

  • PNN F432BA engine

    pnncalmagorod - - Announcements


    Dopo aver speso miliardi di dollari in SLS, la NASA ammette che il suo razzo lunare è "inaccessibile"…-unaffordable/ar-AA1grYsB La Luna piena brilla sullo sfondo mentre il razzo SLS si erge in cima al Launch Complex 39B al Kennedy Space Center della NASA in Florida La NASA è finita sotto pressione per l'aumento del costo del suo razzo Space Launch System (SLS), che i funzionari dell'agenzia spaziale hanno finalmente ammesso di essere insostenibile e inaccessibile. …