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  • A paper by Tajmar in CEAS Space Journal , probably the same experiment High-accuracy thrust measurements of the EMDrive and elimination of false-positive effects M. Tajmar, O. Neunzig & M. Weikert CEAS Space Journal (2021)

  • Experiments by the group of Martin Tajmar (TU Dresden) rule out anomalous laser-based propellantless thrusters as theorized by McCulloch and Taylor by many orders of magnitude.…tors_for_space_propulsion Quote from Martin Tajmar and al: “Since modern propulsion systems are insufficient for large-scale space exploration, a breakthrough in propulsion physics is required. Amongst different concepts, the EMDrive is a proposed device claiming to be more efficient in conv…

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    Michael McCulloch cite this video, as informative event if the title is wrong for him

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    The answer of Michael McCulloch to Tajmar's recent experiment. He criticizes the box where is the cavity is placed, claiming it cancels the thrust...…s-new-cavity-results.html I'm not convinced from what I naively understand of quantized inertia, but I'm not a physicist... The experiment is clearly good on measurement, but the question is what is measured ? The thrust of an Emdrive, or the thrust of a kitchen microwave?

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    The EmDrive Isn’t Dead Yet ... Says the Guy Who Invented the EmDrive Yes, the "impossible" engine failed critical thrust tests. But that was always going to happen, this scientist claims.…tor-defends-failed-tests/

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    Another article about Shawyer's answer…-in-face-of-failed-tests/

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    An article in Forbes reports Shawyer's answer:…drive-was-fatally-flawed/

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    The Traveller push an answer by Shawyer…270.msg2217145#msg2217145 I attach the file converted as PDF Quote from R Shawyer: “(a) F ig7 from the 2021 paper now gives the dimensions of the dielectricdiscs and the loop orientation, which enabled the true operating modeto be determined. The SPR designspreadsheet, described in our IAC-20 paper, was used to calculate theresonant frequency at the interface axial length…

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    Breaking CoM is just a reason to be careful about experiments, not to reject any positive experiment by principle. But if good experiments on EmDrive don't work that is normal science... Only question is what have been tested... an EmDrive of a dead microwave oven. I'm open to success or failure possibility... I wait for the answer by Michael McCulloch...

  • Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive

    AlainCo - - News


    A good experiment by Tajmar is making noise about EmDrive. No critics on the measurement. Only critics I heard is that the Q of the tested cavity was not what was claimed (Answer by Shawyer... hearsay) New Tests Cast Doubt On NASA’s Physics-Defying Thruster Design "Our measurements refute all EmDrive claims by at least 3 orders of magnitude."…s-defying-thruster-design Scientists Just Killed the EmDrive After failing critical thrust tests, the "impossible" engine ha…

  • On Twitter someone spotted this paper IIeAQ8Ah6BWwMBT263xj74KDwCHgGPgEegDhHw5FaHYHpTHgGPgEfAI3BrIODJ7dbYBx+FR8Aj4BHwCNQhAv8fIs+z3+rWseYAAAAASUVORK5CYII= Illustrations of the relativistic conservation law for the center of energy American Journal of Physics 73, 953 (2005); Timothy H. Boyer ABSTRACT The relativistic conservation law involving the center of energy is reviewed and illustrated using simple examples from classica…

  • Shawyer about Emdrive

    AlainCo - - EmDrive


    A recent video of Shawyers about EmDrive Looks as if it has already been tested in space by Russia, China and the US.

  • About MiHsC/Quantzed Inertie, it is often seen as an exact version of MOND... Here MOND seems supported by data Unique prediction of 'modified gravity' challenges dark matter theory Quote from Phys Org: “An international group of scientists, including Case Western Reserve University Astronomy Chair Stacy McGaugh, has published research contending that a rival idea to the popular dark matter hypothesis more accurately predicts a galactic pheno…

  • How could it amplify the effect ? What is the theory behind ? Quantized Inertia? Shawyer's theory ?

  • A paper that Michael McCulloch relayed, and appreciated. Modified inertia from extended uncertainty principle(s) and its relation to MoND by Jaume Giné & Giuseppe Gaetano Luciano Published in "European Physical Journal C "…_and_its_relation_to_MoND Quote: “In this paper we show that Modified Inertia, i.e., the modification of inertia predicted by some alternative theories of gravity at cosmic scales, can be naturally derived within the framework of the extended unc…

  • IAC2020: emdrive by Shawyer

    AlainCo - - EmDrive


    LAtests presentation by Roger Shawyer on Emdrive The paper and the video Quote from Roger Shawyer: “Designing an EmDrive thruster for a cubesat presents a number of challenges. Foremost is the need to reduce thesize of the microwave cavity, to enable integration into the cubesat structure. This requirement can be addressed byselection of frequency and operating mode. EmDrive propulsion systems have been designed to operate from 900MHz to around 8 GH…

  •…commercial-ion-drive.html DARPA Laser Version of EMDrive Has a Test Result Better Than Commercial Ion Drive ... The DARPA NLM project is currently funded until May 2021. Mike McCulloch is the current DARPA EmDrive project leader. Mike presented some interim results in an embedded video below. ... Screen-Shot-2020-09-21-at-12.53.55-PM-1024x668.jpg ... See too:…eory/7121537904594/?ur3=1 DARPA invests in propellant-free rocket theory The…

  • The paper seems published Quote from Roger Shawyer: “... This paper reports on a second programme of testscarried out on the SPR C-Band Flight Thruster. Thefirst series of tests, together with the design anddevelopment of the thruster was fully documented inDecember 2017 [1]. The original version of [1] wasissued as a test report in July 2010, as part of thedeliverable documentation for the Contract withBoeing, under Purchase Contract No 9CS1145H. Thiscontract was su…

  •…late-the-laws-of-physics/ Quote from NewScientist: “NASA engineer's 'helical engine' may violate the laws of physics For every action, there is a reaction: that is the principle on which all space rockets operate, blasting propellant in one direction to travel in the other. But one NASA engineer believes he could take us to the stars without any propellant at all. Designed by David Burns at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, the “helical engine” exploi…

  • Let us hope the Emdrive par itself is enough satisfying (good shape, good frequency/phase) for the Emdrive to work or the supporters to surrender to evidences.